
What must an active member of the Knights of Saint Benedict be?
  1. Must be a faithful Catholic.
Since the team is a Catholic Deliverance team, basic requirement is that, an active member must be a faithful Catholic, which means, one who is a baptized Catholic, faithful to the Catholic Church (Magisterium) and frequents the Holy Sacraments (if married, marriage must be solemnized in the Church).
  1. Must be an active member of any Catholic community, group or organization.
Membership in any Catholic community is a must to ensure that each member is backed by his/her own community in terms or prayer and Christian formation. While KSB members share and discuss among themselves the Holy Scripture, Catechism and Doctrine of the Church, a member’s own local group and community will be best to provide the needed Christian formation for his/her own spiritual growth, needless to say, that each member’s community has its own Spiritual Adviser in the person of their Parish Priest who can best guide them.
  1. Must be willing to devote time in study, in prayer, in household & family visitation (for the sick and the infested).
Studying what the Catholic Church teaches, and the stand of the church on various issues especially related to healing, deliverance & exorcism, Blessed Virgin Mary, angels and saints, souls in purgatory, occultism, heresy and apostasy against the church, New Age beliefs, etc. is a must for all active members of the KSB. Equipped with knowledge and information, all of Catholic sources, a member may be able to at least defend himself and the church from lies, and come out with best assessment and decisions given a specific scenario.
An active member is expected to possess a stamina and love for prayer, as this should be understood as an effective way to commune with God, who is the author of Life and the real enemy of death & darkness.
Every active member must have the passion and apostolate to visit the sick and the oppressed, in order to serve the purpose of the healing and deliverance team.
The Home of a Member of Knights of Saint Benedict:
  1. has St.Benedict Medal or St.Benedict Cross on front door (and optional, in every room and back door);
  2. has a neat altar with Crucifix, image of the Blessed Virgin Mary (preferably with other favourite saints and Holy Family), enthroned with a Catholic Bible;
  3. blessed and enthroned with the image of Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary, thus, consecrated to the Sacred Heart, to the Immaculate Heart and to St. Joseph as the silent head of the family;
  4. free from any occultic and New Age objects, lucky charms, etc.;
  5. regularly being blessed by parents or any head of the family using Catholic prayer of blessing and deliverance
What must be the regular activities of an active KSB member?
DAILY activities:
  1. Morning Prayer (or Breviary) (with special intentions for the souls, for healing and for deliverance);
  2. Holy Mass (if able);
  3. Holy Rosary;
  4. Reading and Reflecting on the Gospel / Lectio Divina;
  5. 3PM Prayer to the Divine Mercy;
  6. 6PM Angelus Prayer;
  7. Evening and Night Prayer (with special intentions for the souls, for healing and for deliverance).
WEEKLY activities:
  1. Special Holy Masses on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (if able);
  2. Regular Sunday Mass.
MONTHLY activities:
  1. First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Holy Mass & Vigil before the Blessed Sacrament if able, preferably overnight);
  2. First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Holy Mass)
  3. Holy Sacrament of Reconciliation;
ANNUAL celebration of the feast (memorial) of St.Benedict is to be observed by enjoining all members to pray the Novena to St.Benedict from July 2 to 10, and hear Holy Mass on July 11 in honour of the saint.
OTHER regular activities must include studies of the Scripture, Catechism of the Catholic Church, lessons on Healing and Deliverance, and other Christian formation materials that maybe required by each own member’s religious community. Novena prayer to the saints is also being encouraged.
Who are the regular recipients of prayers of the members of Knights of Saint Benedict?
  1. The Pope (Magisterium);
  2. The Bishops and Cardinals;
  3. All the Catholic Clergy;
  4. All Religious Orders, Congregations, Apostolates, etc.;
  5. The KSB Spiritual Adiver;
  6. All KSB members and prayer warriors;
  7. The souls in purgatory (including souls of the aborted and miscarried babies);
  8. The sick, the dying, the poor, the oppressed and the infested (physical, psychological, emotional, moral, spiritual);
  9. All families (sanctification of families, parents & children to Jesus and Mary);
  10.  Own-self, own families, relatives and love-ones, friends and benefactors;
What are the devotions being promoted by KSB?
Catholic devotions help us in our Spiritual journey, that is, a journey towards holiness where each member of the church is called. The following are being promoted and every member is being encouraged to participate (but not limited to the following):
  1. Devotion to Saint Benedict – as the name of the team implies;
  2. Marian Devotions. – e.g. Lady of Fatima, Lady of Lourdes, Lady of Guadalupe, Virgin of Manaoag, Mother of Perpetual Help, Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Lady of Mt.Carmel, etc.;
  3. Devotion to the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary (Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart) and to the Holy Family (with St.Joseph);
  4. Devotion to Holy Angels and Saints (St.Michael the archangel, St.Padre Pio, St.Gemma Galgani, St.John Marie Vianney, St.Therese of Child Jesus, St.Francis, etc.);
  5. Devotion and Novena to the Holy Spirit;
  6. Devotion to the Holy Cross of Jesus;
  7. Devotion to the Holy Wounds of Christ;
  8. Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament
What are the sacramentals recommended by KSB? (not limited to the ff.)
  1. St. Benedict Medal (blessed/exorcised by a priest);
  2. St.Benedict Crucifix (preferably wooden Cross, blessed/exorcised by a priest);
  3. Brown Scapular (wool) (blessed and imposed by a priest);
  4. Images of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Catholic Saints; Image of the Holy Family;
  5. Relics of the Saints;
  6. Holy Water / Exorcised Water;
  7. Blessed or Exorcised Salt;
  8. Blessed / Exorcised Oil

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